Saturday, January 05, 2013

Livin Large

I've never been one to journal, keep a diary, or blog. I hate the word BLOG so I'm repelled by the thought of doing it everyday.

Why? Accountability.

I weighed myself and am at the precipice of being "overweight" according to my BMI. I won't go into the why but simply state that as of Monday, January 7th 2013 I will be embarking on the wheat belly diet with my good friend Ann. I'm READY. I'm hoping that by writing a daily account of my experience, it will hold me accountable. Today I'm cleaning out most of the wheat products or placing them out of my line of sight.

My 14 yr old daughter doesn't want to take part but she is 98lbs so I can't blame her. My girl loves her pasta and that's fine. I, on the other hand, am tired of Living Large. It's embarrassing and is undercutting my self-confidence. I've always been "normal" weighted and would like to return to that. It also holds the promise of reducing joint pain (yes I'm a "knee person") and improving skin- mine is looking particularly heinous these days.

I feel hopeful.

I'm armed with all the tools necessary for success: a positive friend who also wants to lose 10-15lbs and is willing to run with me 3-4x a week. I have the wheat belly manual and cookbook, a supportive husband who also wants to lose the small tire around his middle and lastly this daily blog.

To the kitchen, trash bag in hand.

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